I keep staring at these photos and just melt E V E R Y time! Not only are these kids and their patient horse-friend absolutely adorable, but these two sweet kids are growing up learning to love and respect animals. What a powerful and important lesson. Children who are taught to be kind to animals grow up kind to humans as well.
This beautiful black Polish Arabian, Czecher, is 24-years-young and is owned by the mother of these two young riders. Czecher is a fabulous kid sitter! The kids love and trust him totally— they can as he’s quite trustworthy. I was definitely concerned about Miles’ fingers while this sweet boy was feeding Czecher a carrot (aren’t carrots with the green tops still on them the BEST!) from our local Market Street, but this horse took great care of his little charge. Czecher, when not babysitting, is a very talented dressage horse. For the last several years, he has been used primarily as a lesson horse and has taught numerous children to ride.
The mother of Molly and Miles, Renee, has owned Czecher since the day he was born. He captured the heart of his owner immediately. And what’s really special— the kids’ grandmother owned Czecher’s dam! This story is all in the family. What a wonderful legacy of love.
Molly is seven and is already taking dressage riding lessons on Czecher at Premier Park Equestrian Center. I love watching her ride! She has begun showing him in Intro Level dressage shows and has a great riding future ahead of her.
What a special treat to photograph this trio. I am blessed with amazing clients who become my friends.
Models: Molly and Miles
Equine Model: Czecher, a registered Arabian gelding
Location: Premier Park Equestrian Center | Lubbock, Texas
Flowers: Tucker Floral | Lubbock Texas
Red Dress: Joyfolie
Cowgirl Boots: Macie Bean
Mid-century Side Chair: Joss & Main
“We have almost forgotten how strange a thing it is that so huge and powerful and intelligent an animal as a horse should allow another, and far more feeble animal to ride upon its back.”
It is my sincere privilege to help families create tangible expressions of their love for each other through the art of photography and print. To chat about your own horse and rider session, head to www.juliecordero.com/contact and fill out the form. I’ll be in touch soon.