Two nights ago, I drove north to New Deal, Texas to meet a couple of miniature horses that I was being allowed to photograph. The owners weren’t home yet, but I was told to go ahead into the pasture and meet them. From afar, I saw two minis in a tall stand of grass— their backs hardly higher than the grass.
I whistled. That was all it took. The pinto mare came running— fast!! And I mean running. I’ve never had a horse or pony respond so fast to a human. She about ran me over and checked me out, looking for a butt scratch or food. The black mare never took notice.
Then, a third head popped up— a paint foal!! Oh, my goodness. A D O R A B L E! I couldn’t believe it, as I didn’t know the owners even had a foal. She was beyond cute and as obnoxiously friendly as the paint mare. I assumed, of course, that the paint mare with her was her mom. Nope. The owners showed up right after and informed me that the black mare was her dam. The paint mare had just taken her over.
I learned that the paint mare was about four years old and was named Cupcake. She was the first minis the family had gotten. Then, came the black mare, who is about 15 years old and permanently lame, with her foal. Momma is “Muffin” — so, no surprises, the foal was named “Cookie.” Too fun!
I spent my time drooling over the cuteness while trying hard to not get run over by over-friendly equines.
Cupcake— the world’s friendliest equine!
15-year-old Muffin and her sweet baby, Cookie.